Tuesday, September 27, 2011

I LOVE the Bar!

Okay, first of all I am not an alcoholic already! Haha, I just have a new found love for the bar after my birthday! My birthday was a blast (I promise I will stop talking about my birthday after this). First I had the day off so I did ABSOLUTELY nothing besides talking on the phone with my mom and make some soup. Then my wonderful husband cam home and told me I had to get ready NOW. I was kind of annoyed because I didn't know we were going out so early and I was now rushed to get ready.

We stopped at Walmart so I can legally buy my first rack of liquor. And naturally I don't get carded!! That would totally happen.

Then met up with KC and Kate at their house in Carlsbad. Kate and I were all dressed up and had no clue where we were going. We pre gamed a bit then we headed to the secrete location.

Turns out, the boys planned a nice dinner in San Diego for us (Kate is deploying this weekend so it was like her going away too).  We took this beauty...

courtesy of mysandiegolife.com

The Coaster down to downtown San Diego. And fun fact if you are even in the San Diego area, you can drink on The Coaster! It was so much fun, we brought drinks, the people around us had drinks. It was a party train!

The train dropped us off a block from The W hotel where we had dinner reservations! (Those boys did good!). Dinner was so swanky and classy! And I ordered my first legal drink at a restaurant!

Guess what, I didn't get carded for that either!! I must look old or something. After dinner the boys smoked cigars and we caught the coaster back up to Carlsbad. (Kate had the pics but I don't want to bother her with her deploying so soon, she has lots on her plate!)

A little later our friends came over and we hit the bars! They were all within walking distance which was perfect! Eek. So much fun!

I fell, of course...

I definitely got carded at the bars so it made up for earlier. I also (and my husband probably hated this but I call it being thrifty) would walk up to the bar next to a guy and tell him it was my birthday. They would buy me a drink then Id walk back to my husband and friends. Haha I am the biggest jerk! But free drinks? I'll take it.  Our night of bar hopping ended at Dennys (naturally) and our friend's futon.

Overall it was an amazing birthday, with my amazing husband and my amazing friends!


Kelsey said...

Awesome! Sounds like it was defiantly fun! I am glad you had a seemingly flawless time! [:

Nicole said...

Since I am a horrible blogger and bloggy friend, I completely missed your birthday but it looks like you had an absolutely awesome 21st! So glad you had such a great day!! Life after 21 is definitely a whole new type of fun! :)

Lauren said...

Looks like lots of fun!!! :) Happy belated birthday!!! Who made your blog design/template!? I love it!!!