Thursday, August 11, 2011

Piss on the Navy....

T and I are both having a "Piss on the Navy" moment. It's evaluation time and Hubby got his eval back today. He got a "Must Promote" (last eval he go an "Early Promote"). He sat down with his Chief to go over the evaluation and to make a long story short, Chief told hubby that he deserves an "Early Promote" (since currently he works at an E5 level anyway), but since he is getting out in a year they gave it to somebody else.

Just hearing T tell me this pissed me off so much! So what if he's getting out in a year? What happened to rewarding those who earn it? GAH! Hubby was upset when I came home, and rightfully so.

So to cheer my husband up, and because he needed it for his classes at the Academy of Art, we bought this today...

 I'm super jealous! I want one too but we spent a whole paycheck on this puppy! Christmas maybe? Anyway, the lovely MacBook Pro took our minds off this stupid eval stuff...


Gris said...

Macs are NICE! but super expensive.

My sister just got one, and the haters are all over her lol.

justme said...

OMG my same thing happened to my boyfriend... he still has a few years left so his cheif told him that even though he deserves it more his EP was given away to a guy whose been in for a while and hasnt moved up in rank yet. They figured that this would be a way to motivate him.. WTF MY GUY DESERVES IT BUT YOUR GIVING IT TO A SAILOR WITH PISS POOR PERFORMANCE... now my guy is starting to loose his drive because if you do an amazing job and you dont get the recongnition for it whats the point

Anonymous said...

That's such bull!