So I still feel like poop today. Monday it was the chills, Tuesday it was the chills and the sweats, and today it's just the sweats. It's totally gross. I cannot stop sweating. I think it is my body trying to get rid of whatever I have. And to top it off, my throat hurts so bad I cannot eat or drink anything.
(Hopefully I can loose a few pounds!)
Anyway, let's talk about my bridal shower and bachelorette party! Both were such a blasty blast. My shower was a hat and glove tea party at my beautiful Spanish teacher's house
(she's so amazing, when I told her I was getting married she automatically said she was going to throw my shower) and it was absolutely beautiful! So here's the pics:
The beautiful tea party
The tiny tophats my sissy and I made
Mine is gold =]
Of course they are making fun of me
The lovely Sara and our amazing server Justin
Lovely ladies around the table
The Beautiful party hosts!
Yours truly
Brent, another amazing server, decided to sport a hat too
My beautiful friends!
My cake! It was sooo yummy!
My spanish teacher in the middle and my mommy on the right
P.S I def look preggo in this pic but I am not, promise
Just a sneak peak of my gifts! Ooh La La
The whole party!
After is was bachelorette party time! I only have a few pics because the night got a little bit
CRAZYYY. We went to this amazing sushi place downtown and finished up the party at my house
(T was off doing his bachelor party).
Ready for a night on the town!
All of us ladies at Miso Harney sushi (haha, get it)
Stephanie & Karla
Rocio and my sissy Ashley
P.S I am going to be catching up and commenting on all your blogs today. I haven't been on blogspot actively at all lately, too much stuff is happening!